Lesson 10 Not for jazz

生词和短语 (New words and exceptions)

  • jazz n. 爵士乐

  • clavichod n. 古钢琴

  • musical adj. 音乐的

    musical student. 具有音乐天赋的学生, 而 music student. 只是音乐生的意思

  • instrument n. 乐器


  • key n. 琴键 adj. 关键的;必不可少非常重要(very important or necessary)

    key to 什么的 key

    门钥匙. key to the door.

    答案. key to the question.

    key structures 关键句型

  • shack v.使不悦或生气,使震惊 n. 震惊

    The xx shacked me. 这xx震惊了我.

    ① 跟人情绪有关的动词,宾语往往是人;② 既能用人作宾语,又表示情绪活动的动词,有两个形容词形式: -ed-ing

    It shocked me. v

    My father was shocked. adj 我父亲大为吃惊。

    It’s shocking. 令人感到震惊。

    I get a shock.

    • shock 与 surprise

      shock一般指 不好的事

      surprise. 单出指出乎意料,没有料到的事

  • allow

    allow doing

    allow to do


  1. We have an old musical instrument.

  2. It is called clavichord.

    sth be called = call sb sth 什么被称作什么

  3. It was made in Germany.

    be made in + 地点 xx 造的

    be made of 由 xx 制作,可以直接看出原料

    be made from 由 xx 制作,但是不容易看出原料(一般混合物)

    be made by 表示制作人


The ring(戒指) is made of gold. (直接看出来是黄金做的——用 of)

Glass is made from stones and lime. (由沙子和石灰做成的 —— from)

lime. n. 石灰

This cake was made by my elder sister. 这个蛋糕是我姐姐做的。

  1. She tried to play jazz on it!

    play + 球类 . play football. play socer.

    play + the + 乐器 play the pinao.

    play ... on ... play jazz on the clavichord

  2. She struck the keys too hard and two of the strings were broken. My father was shocked. Now we are not allowed to touch it.

  3. (本文最重要的一句话) It is being repaired by a friend of my father’s.

    • It is being repaired…

      如何理解这句话?首先,be done 表示被动语态,这个古钢琴是被修;其次,be doing 是一般现在时态(p.s 这里的be doing不表将来,瞬间动词-ing 才表将来,e.g. come、arrive… );那么,合起来就是,这个古钢琴clavichord正在(be doing)被修(be repaired) ,即:is being repaired.

    • a friend of father’s. 父亲的一个朋友


      名词 + of + 名词所有格 或 名词性物主代词



      ① a friend of my father.

      (=my father’s friend.) 如果是这样的话,意思就含糊不清:究竟是这个朋友是父亲的为一个呢还是这个朋友是我父亲最好的呢?

      ② a friend of my father’s.



多项选择题(Multiple choice questions)

  • hurt. 伤害

    hurt + 身体部位

    hurt + 感情

  • That’s why … 那就是为什么……

    That’s where …


  • parrot. 鹦鹉
  • piegon. 鸽子
  • garage. 汽车修理部
———— The End ————